About Us:
Holy Land web site was created in purpose to expose as
many people we can to the Torah
of Israel and to the cryptic world and phenomenal of the kabala.
Secret world that the predominantly is cryptic.
We believe that the exposure will make good to the people who will experience
and will
give a try to this phenomenal world.
Our goal is to give the opportunity to make better good life on our Earth to
every one.
The web site give essence from a different field of the kabala,
and the web site sell several products
in order to give us the ability to make a better advertise to the web site and
to give a charity.
Additionally the web site gives a small business opportunity a partnership
in the web site in order to give us the ability
to make a better advertise.
We are from Israel near Jerusalem our goal is:
Give the opportunity to make better good life on our Earth to every one
To fill our sub goal, given a charity.
We believe is improving the success.
We believe that every one in our world can be a better person by given some
one else from him self.
Given same one else is the secret of the holy Torah of Israel.